Heavenly Glimpses Blog, 2011
Desperation is the gift of knowing you need Jesus…
When you’re pulled in different directions as four children need you and chaos pounds lies into your head, playing off the message that you’ve got to have it all together, but you never can, nor will.
When you determine that you will not be angry as you shuffle each child to a place of quiet and sweep the littlest one up in your arms, plop yourselves on the couch and hold her close. Then you offer the other three up because you cannot be in all four places and you just can’t reach all four hearts at the same time.
And you sit there and love on the one who is representing all and let the tears flow because all you really want is for them to know Jesus through you, and you wonder why you don’t come to this place more often.
Why you don’t reach this place where dry land meets living water and you recognize you will whither without it; and you cast your burdens and their burdens on Him because you must believe He is able to do the very thing that you can’t.
You must become desperate for them to let Him.
Another enters the room and I pull her in close. I open a book and read aloud in a peaceful place, as I hear two more playing separately in the distance, and I know that everything will be okay.
Hey sweet mamma, sometimes we need a time out. We need to let ourselves cry. We need to feel desperate for Jesus to do what He already wants to do in our hearts and our children’s. Will you trust God in this process even especially when it feels hard and impossible?